
Stoked Design Collective is a passion-project created by licensed Architect Jeff Van Voorhis, AIA that serves as a platform to share knowledge, tips, and tricks that he has accumulated over the past 10+ years in the industry. Architecture is a challenging profession primarily because it requires a broad set of cross-disciplinary skills and there is no 100% correct way to approach any task. Additionally, the rate at which the trade and tools are evolving make it difficult to know where to get started or what a professional workflow even looks like. Stoked Design Collective draws back the curtain of one Architect’s practice in hopes that you can find a some insights to improve your own processes.

Never stop learning.

A quick note from Jeff:

I got started in architecture when I was in my mid-20s with zero formal training in any artistic medium. I was fascinated by architecture primarily because of the creative challenges it offered along with the seemingly endless ways I could approach any problem. Despite being fascinated, I remember struggling in school for a long time relative to my peers as I felt that my lack of a creative background was doing me a major disservice; I didn’t always understand the theory or what was being asked of me nor did I feel I had the skills or tools to express my design concepts clearly. Only through the generosity of others who shared their own workflows (along with a lot of trial and error) did I slowly develop a set of tools and techniques that worked for me.

I’ve come a long way since my early student days but I’m still continuing to learn and question the way I approach a design challenge. It’s cliché but I really believe the practice of Architecture can be a life-long pursuit if you enjoy learning and pushing yourself. Stoked Design Collective is my attempt to package the workflows and thoughts-processes I’ve pieced together over the years into an easily digestible package. I will also be sharing my experiences with any new tools I will inevitably explore.

I believe that the architecture industry benefits when we collectively share and solve problems together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, or thoughts on new workflows I should explore. I’ll do my best to personally reply to everyone who’s genuinely passionate and invested in improving their craft.

Good luck and remember to always have fun!

— Jeff Van Voorhis, AIA

PS: Here are a few of my personal favorites in the industry that have inspired me on my own journey:

Alex Hogrefe | Visualizing Architecture
Jonathan Segal | Architect as Developer
Eric Reinholdt | 30x40 Design Workshop
David Drazil | Sketch Like an Architect