AI Explorations
These are “Artificial Intelligence” programs that take language-based prompts (text) and create images or write-ups responding to the given prompt. The two biggest programs available at the moment are ChatGPT or Midjourney. ChatGPT is a chat-bot style text generator and Midjourney is an image generator.
These programs are trained on massive databases of information and are able to produce seemingly new content based on what you ask of it.
They are very fun to play with.
Who knows. I don’t think it’ll happen any time soon.
My impression so far with Midjourney is that it is the equivalent of having a really good intern that happened to have a baby with Pinterest. The tools can produce a lot of good imagery quickly, but none of is quite polished enough to present to a client without at least a little bit of clean up.
As such, I don’t think we’re near the point where a client could successfully ask an AI design a site and program-specific building along with a fully developed construction document package. Let alone having the AI navigate the plan check and construction management processes.
We’ll have jobs.
The biggest use I’ve found for Midjourney is to quickly test potential design languages by asking it to try different material and detail configurations. Some of my explorations are shown below. I envision using these as a seed for initial massing and design directions as I work through a new concept.
I’ve found that you can’t simply ask an AI platform, such as Midjourney, to design a building. It’ll often spit out the most generic, Instagram spam-worthy monstrosity possible. This is good for our job security.
Beyond that, I’m still trying to figure out how AI will fit into my workflows. I’m sure it will happen but we’re not there yet. Circle back with me in 5 months.
Material Studies
A series exploring various material combinations. The architecture isn’t real but it wouldn’t be difficult to push these further to develop a design language for a real project.

Mood & Vibe
A series exploring images exploring different color palette, weather, and context settings.

Midjourney can’t design a site-specific home but it’s not terrible at generating ideas for details. This series explores various detail shots that could serve as seeds to develop a design language for a project.